ARC60804 - Studio III
Tutor: Mr. Hazazi; Group H
Module Coordinator: Ms. Dee
Project 1 - Poetic Journey Structure
This is a group project of 8 members where within the group, each 4 does a linear structure and the other 4 does a concentric structure. Therefore, the total structures of project 1 are 2 structures. To enhance the "poetics" of these structures, we incorporated modifying elements such as light and shadow, texture, sound, and scale and proportions. I was assigned on the concentric group, and we went out of our comfort zones to create a circular structure that's built out of stones.
Linear Structure "Haze"
Concentric Structure "Duplicity"
Project 1 Presentation Boards
Project 2A - The Discovery Center (Genius Loci)
Project 2 consists of part A and part B. Part A is a group project of 16 members. There are 5 tasks split amongst the members, and each member does different tasks. I was in charge of organizing the presentation slides and researching the history and overview of the site along with 2 other members. In conclusion, the group produced and presented site analysis, site response, site drawings, and design concepts.
Project 2A Presentation Boards
Site A Location Pictures (Kg. Janda Baik, Pahang)
Project 2B - The Discovery Center
Part B of project 2 is an individual assignment, and the final assignment of the module. Each student were assigned to create a discovery center or a visitor center for Kampung Janda Baik in Pahang. It was a challenging project since it was our first time designing a concept or building of a large scale. In addition, there were countless things to consider when designing our structure, such as bathrooms and ramps for the disabled or OKU (Orang Kurang Upaya). Nonetheless, this project allowed me to monitor my growth and assess my strengths and weaknesses in architectural design.
"Continuous Harmony" - Discovery Center
6 A1 Final Presentation Boards
Project 2B Presentation Boards