ARC60508 - Studio IV
Tutor: Mr. Hazazi (Group 4)
Module Coordinator: Mr. Nazmi
Project 1A - Site Analysis & Design Response (Kebun Komuniti Plan)
This project establishes an understanding of the context of intervention. Students conducted site visit to an urban farm in USJ 18/7 in Subang Jaya to identify the physical as well as the intangible qualities that shape the character of the site. As the Design Response of the Site Analysis stage, students worked in their tutorial groups to draw up a new plan for the site area through the design of a Kebun Komuniti Plan, which will then serve as the base for project 1B and project 2.
The Abled Garden - Masterplan Proposal
The theme and main intention of the garden is to educate the community about urban farming and the disabled teens that work in the farm; educating the community and people through an experiential journey through the farm.
Studio IV P1A 4AO PDF
Project 1B - Architectural Allotment
Produced in parallel with project 1A, Project 1B deals with the understanding of materiality in relation to user experience in the Kebun Komuniti plan. Within the context of each tutorial group's Kebun Komuniti plan, students broke up into smaller groups of 3-4 to design an architectural allotment, which intends to showcase architectural form as a construct of materiality for a proposed set of activities related to the cultivation of plants. The allotments feature seating, shading and storage as parts of the requirement of the allotment. For this project, I was grouped with Han Ping, Khobigka and Nabil.
Ataraxia - Proposed Architectural Allotment
Ataraxia seeks to create a genuine sense of community where individuals can engage in shared activities and unwind together. This structure embodies an organic design philosophy symbolizing harmony and solidarity through the concept of "yin yang".
Studio IV P1B 1AO PDF
Project 2 - P3KU Kebun Komuniti Center
This project calls for the design of a P3KU Kebun Komuniti Center within the Kebun Komuniti Plan proposed for the P3KU Urban Farm in USJ18 Park. Students were required to provide full design proposals incorporating findings from the site analysis and precedent studies. The design should contribute to and merge harmoniously with the environment and site and provide the best of spatial experiences in fostering a sense of community.
The In-Between - A proposed Community Center
The In-Between is a community center project inspired from the interaction and connection of the users and visitors of the P3KU Farm. The In-Between accentuates the sentiments and emotions of the P3KU Farm through the spaces created between and within the cluster of spaces. The community center is designed to focus on and emphasize the connection between people to people and people to gardening/farming.